LAHORE-Pakistan will take on arch-rival India in the finals of the ITF Asia 12&Under Team Competition-South Asia Zone at Kathmandu, Nepal on Friday. In the first boys’ singles, Hamza Ali Rizwan outsmarted MD Rajib by 6-2, 6-0 while the second boys’ singles match saw Abubakar Talha outclassing Kabbo Gayen by 6-1, 6-1. In the boys’ doubles, Pakistani pair of Omar Jawad and Abubakar Talha overwhelmed the Bangladeshi duo of MD Rajib and Kabbo Gayen by 6-1, 6-1. Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, hosts Nepal, Maldives, Bhutan and India are participating in the event. Muhammad Abid is the captain of Pakistan team while the team members are Abubakar Talha, Hamza Ali Rizwan and Omar Jawad.
Source: The Nation June 17, 2022 03:22 UTC