The FATF continues to identify additional jurisdictions, on an on-going basis, that pose a risk to the international financial system.”Earlier in the day, there were reports of Pakistan’s inclusion in the list, with Reuters quoting sources that Pakistan has been placed on the FATF list. “A global money-laundering watchdog [FATF] has decided to place Pakistan back on its terrorist financing watchlist,” the news agency said. After the conclusion of the task force’s plenary session, the FATF spokesperson added that the FATF was not responsible for reports which claimed Pakistan’s inclusion in the list. The United States (US) and Britain had put forward a motion to place Pakistan on the FATF terrorist-financing watch list. PAKISTAN CONCERNED OVER THE MOVE:Meanwhile, Pakistan Foreign Office Spokesperson Muhammad Faisal had said that a request to include Pakistan in the grey-list was made earlier in January by the United States and Britain.
Source: Pakistan Today February 23, 2018 09:40 UTC