Amitabh Bachchan is impressed with Deepika Padukone’s performance in Padmaavat. Amitabh Bachchan is impressed with Deepika Padukone’s performance in Padmaavat. For Ranveer Singh, he already got an award for his impeccable performance in Padmaavat from megastar of Bollywood Amitabh Bachchan in the form of an appreciation note. “There are awards…there are rewards…& then there is THIS!Thank You Baba…🙏 @amitabhbachchan,” wrote Deepika as she shared the token of appreciation on Instagram. I’m not done with her yet.”With Padmaavat, Deepika has become an undisputed queen of the box office as it is her seventh film to enter the coveted 100 crore club.
Source: Indian Express February 03, 2018 04:52 UTC