Bollywood actor Shahid Kapoor, happy and content to receive a positive response from the audience for Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s Padmaavat, says that with each film, he has had to wait much longer than many of his contemporaries to achieve milestones in his career. In Padmaavat, Shahid essays Maharawal Ratan Singh, said to be a comparatively lesser known historical character than Delhi Sultan Alauddin Khilji or Rani Padmavati for common people. “I think I always had to work much harder to get a good opportunity and had to wait longer than many, to get a milestone in my career. That is how I learnt different things in life and that has added to my experience,” said Shahid. “I think Sanjay sir has a tendency to keep pushing and trying until he gets exactly what he wants from a performer.
Source: Hindustan Times February 02, 2018 14:26 UTC