The local bourse snapped its losing streak and opened the trading week in the 6,300 territory amid lighter selling pressure. The benchmark Philippine Stock Exchange index (PSEi) climbed 0.94 percent or 58.70 points to 6,317.41, while the broader All Shares gained 0.76 percent or 29.28 points to close at 3,906.71 on Monday. AAA Equities head of research Christopher Mangun said the market ended higher on lighter selling pressure. “Gains were mainly from holding firms that took heavy losses last week and ICT (International Container Terminal Services Inc.) that has been on a roll lately, thanks to its outstanding first quarter figures,” Mangun said. “Investors are still very cautious, which we expect will continue until we see more progress on the inoculation,” Mangun explained.
Source: Manila Times May 10, 2021 16:33 UTC