FAISALABAD: Punjab Revenue Authority (PRA) on Friday organised an event to mark the 7th, 8th and 9th balloting of the Amanat Scheme under the thriving and popular Restaurant Invoice Monitoring Scheme (RIMS). Faisalabad Mayor Razzaq Malik who was the chief guest at the event announced the names of those who had won prizes including Umrah tickets, tablets, LED TVs and food coupons. The chief guest in his remarks congratulated the PRA for its innovative way of generating taxes and spreading awareness about the benefits and uses of taxes amongst the masses. He reiterated the government’s stance to adopt innovative tax generating ideas and conduct workshops to educate the people of the country. He expressed satisfaction on the progress made by the PRA in such a short period of time and assured the PRA of his full support to grow as a modern, state-of-the-art tax collecting agency.
Source: Pakistan Today February 23, 2018 17:21 UTC