PM Hasina's Delhi visit energises Bangladesh-India Relations: The Diplomat - News Summed Up

PM Hasina's Delhi visit energises Bangladesh-India Relations: The Diplomat

Aaqib Md Shatil, a Research and Communication Consultant at the Sydney Policy and Analysis Centre, wrote an article on the prospect of the Sheikh Hasina's India visit, which was published in the prestigious magazine - The Diplomat - today (June 28, 2024). India has also agreed to extend transit facilities to Nepal and Bhutan for Bangladeshi goods through its railway networks. Bangladesh's import payments data shows a jump in petroleum product imports. According to Bangladesh's power division estimates, the cost of producing electricity from LNG stood at around 15 cents/kWh. Bangladesh, Nepal, and India have been in talks over power transmission from Nepal to Bangladesh through India for the last few years.

Source: Bangladesh Sangbad Sangstha June 28, 2024 16:14 UTC

