The Bombay High Court on Thursday issued a notice to the National Investigation Agency (NIA) and the Western Railway to reply in three weeks time on a public interest litigation (PIL) filed by Faisal Banaraswala seeking direction that the Railways should grant exemplary compensation to the families of the deceased and those injured in the stampede at Elphinstone Road station on September 29. The PIL also mentions that the NIA should probe into the cause of the stampede. Before issuing the notices, a division bench led by Justice BR Gavai asked the petitioner to amend his plea and add the NIA and Western Railway as respondents. The plea seeks that the Railways provide all possible facilities inside and outside railway stations to ease the physical stress caused to commuters. Facilities like escalators, emergency medical services should be in plenty and easily available, it adds.
Source: dna October 06, 2017 02:03 UTC