Overcoming the problem of Covid-19 spread, increased severity, and deaths - News Summed Up

Overcoming the problem of Covid-19 spread, increased severity, and deaths

In this context, Covid-19 has severely disrupted the economy, with enterprises closed or trimmed and many job losses. It has been stated that 85% of deaths are in the vulnerable group and this group must all be vaccinated. Sri Lanka should aim at minimising the number of those getting the more severe Covid-19 illness and preventing all deaths. The Covid-19 virus is a fairly large virus (180 nanometres) with radiating spikes that enable it to attach to living cells that have appropriate receptors, like the mucus lining cells of the human respiratory tract. If everyone practises this theoretically, transmission ends and Sri Lanka can be free of the virus.

Source: The Nation September 16, 2021 18:33 UTC

