more-inAround 1.6 lakh new voters have been added in the electoral roll in Delhi, while there has been a 10 per cent increase in the gender ratio which now stands at 624 female per 1,000 male electorates. Voters' gender ratio improved from last year's 564 female per 1,000 male electorates to 624. As per the data, there are 505 electors aged over 100 years in Delhi, of which 236 are male and 269 female. "During the period of special summary revision-2017, total 1,60,327 new voters were added after publication of Draft Roll on October 1, 2016," Kumar said. Summary revisionDuring the Special Summary Revision, names of 24,825 voters of 18 years have been added in the electoral roll as comparison to the 13,788 electors added during the last summary revision.
Source: The Hindu January 10, 2017 20:25 UTC