Online Cheating Charges Upend Dartmouth Medical School - News Summed Up

Online Cheating Charges Upend Dartmouth Medical School

A few, including the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, recently said they would cease using the exam-monitoring tools. While some students may have cheated, technology experts said, it would be difficult for a disciplinary committee to distinguish cheating from noncheating based on the data snapshots that Dartmouth provided to accused students. And in an analysis of the Canvas software code, The Times found instances in which the system automatically generated activity data even when no one was using a device. Seven of the 17 accused students have had their cases dismissed. The 10 others have been expelled, suspended or received course failures and unprofessional-conduct marks on their records that could curtail their medical careers.

Source: New York Times May 09, 2021 06:56 UTC



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