Caster Semenya has hit back at the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) after losing her landmark case against rules regulating testosterone in female athletes and is considering whether to launch an appeal. She then issued a defiant statement against the decision, saying: 'I know that the IAAF's regulations have always targeted me specifically. It read: 'Caster Semenya is pleased that a unanimous CAS Panel of three arbitrators confirmed that the IAAF's DSD Regulations are in fact discriminatory against certain women. 'Ms Semenya shares the view of the dissenting CAS arbitrator that the DSD Regulations are unnecessary. It added: 'Ms Semenya believes that the dissenting CAS arbitrator will be shown to be correct and the DSD Regulations will be overturned.
Source: Daily Mail May 01, 2019 10:05 UTC