Now you can get the MMR vaccine on the high street! - News Summed Up

Now you can get the MMR vaccine on the high street!

Superdrug today announced it was offering the MMR vaccination service at some of its stores - costing £110 for the recommended two doses. Superdrug today announced it was offering the MMR vaccination service at some of its stores - costing £110 for the recommended two dosesWhen is the MMR vaccine given? The NHS already offers the MMR vaccine to infants, who get their first dose at 13 months and a top-up before they turn five. He was behind a study in 1995, now retracted for being 'fundamentally flawed', that linked the MMR vaccine to autism and bowel disease. A Superdrug spokesperson said it made the decision to offer the MMR vaccine 'in response to customer demand'.

Source: Daily Mail April 25, 2018 14:03 UTC

