Now, a diagnostic lab in your phone - News Summed Up

Now, a diagnostic lab in your phone

more-inA recent report by an IIT-Delhi professor has unveiled a portable device that can read dozens of diagnostic test strips with a 99.12% correlation as compared to lab-grade scanners. Developed by a Bangalore-based medical diagnostic firm, Inito, the small and portable ₹3,000 device has achieved the performance of a ₹3 lakh bulky lab reader. “The device allows access to diagnostic labs right in people’s home. Mr. Dubey’s report states that the device uses a patent-pending imaging technology called ‘flat lens’, which allows the device, paired with a smartphone, to conduct dozens of diagnostic tests. The first test that Inito has launched is a Fertility Monitor, targeted at couples trying to have a baby.

Source: The Hindu February 19, 2018 20:18 UTC

