North Korean cheerleader accidentally claps for the Americans, report says - News Summed Up

North Korean cheerleader accidentally claps for the Americans, report says

Japanese news cameras at the Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang caught a North Korean cheerleader ‘accidentally’ clapping for two American figure skaters during last Thursday’s competition, The Daily Mail reported. The ‘clapping’ cheerleader was flanked by other members of the North Korean cheer squad as they watched the pair skating short program. The ‘army of beautifies’ cheered in unison and waved the North Korean flag for their own figure skaters, Ryom Tae Ok and Kim Ju Sok. But the girls became stoic when American skaters Alexa Scimeca Knierim and Chris Knierim took the ice. The North Korean skating duo were the only North Koreans to qualify for the competition and finished 13th out of 16 teams.

Source: Fox News February 22, 2018 06:11 UTC

