And Nick Jonas was in the festive spirit when he joined forces with his wife Priyanka Chopra to stock up on their wine supplies ahead of the big day on Christmas Eve. Festive fun: Nick Jonas and Priyanka Chopra got wine during VERY last minute London shop in preparation to celebrate their first Christmas as newly wedsPriyanka kept up her glamorous image when she dressed for the season in a cream coat accessorised with a chic handbag in the same shade. Nick's wife showcased her God given beauty by framing her face with her sleek straightened locks and deftly touches of make-up. The newly married star was spending the festivities with her new hubby Nick, the Jonas family, her own mom, and her future sister-in-law Sophie Turner. Family time: Priyanka celebrated with Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner, Franklin Jonas, Priyanka and Nick Jonas, Nick's mom Denise, Priyanka's mom Madhu Chopra, and Nick's dad Paul JonasSweet: Nick took to social media to share a snap as he snuggled with his wife and an adorable pup; he wrote: 'Dogs and Christmas.
Source: Daily Mail December 25, 2018 08:54 UTC