Newspaper Publishers’ Obsession With Link And Snippet Taxes Is Bad For Society — And Bad For Them - News Summed Up

Newspaper Publishers’ Obsession With Link And Snippet Taxes Is Bad For Society — And Bad For Them

Newspaper Publishers’ Obsession With Link And Snippet Taxes Is Bad For Society — And Bad For Themfrom the link-taxes-hurt-everyone deptTraditional newspapers have been complaining about the rise of the digital world for decades. This resulted in so-called “link” or “snippet” taxes around the world, with sites like Google or Facebook forced to pay publishers. The alleged logic of such laws is that digital players are somehow “stealing” from traditional media. Traditional news outlets have lost readers, influence and revenue because they failed to evolve by embracing the possibilities of the digital world. It is also hard to undo misinformation on social media with fact checking and corrections when there are no analogues of major media organizations active there.

Source: New York Times December 16, 2023 09:32 UTC



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