Recently, regional authorities announced plans to facilitate the return of over 1,725 individuals who were displaced from their homes in the Oromia region and are currently seeking refuge in the Farta district of the South Gondar Zone in the Amhara region. IDPs sheltered in the Farta district, who shared their concerns in a recent discussion, emphasized that they fled the Oromia region, forsaking their assets and homes to avoid the strife. Belay highlighted that ongoing conflict in the Amhara region has complicated the distribution of food aid to IDPs in the South Gondar Zone. The dire situation extends beyond the South Gondar Zone. In January 2023, the Disaster Prevention and Food Security Commission of the region reported a staggering influx of evacuees, with the number of people displaced from four zones in the Oromia region and seeking refuge in the Amhara region surpassing one million.
Source: Ethiopian News December 23, 2023 09:17 UTC