New Yorker and Economist covers slam Trump's defence of white supremacists - News Summed Up

New Yorker and Economist covers slam Trump's defence of white supremacists

The cover pages of the New Yorker and Economist have criticised President Donald Trump’s defence of a white supremacist protest in Charlottesville, Virginia. In an editorial, the Economist said Trump is “politically inept, morally barren and temperamentally unfit for office”. David Plunkert (@plunkert) Unpublished Trump cover sketch art from 2016“A picture does a better job showing my thoughts than words do; it can have a light touch on a subject that’s extremely scary,” said the artist. The president took two days to condemn the KKK and neo-Nazi protesters, eventually saying hate groups were “repugnant”. “You had many people in that group other than neo-Nazis and white nationalists, and the press has treated them absolutely unfairly,” Trump said.

Source: The Guardian August 18, 2017 04:29 UTC

