New Research Reveals That The Oldest Human Remains Discovered In Ethiopia Dates Back Around 2,30,000 Years - News Summed Up

New Research Reveals That The Oldest Human Remains Discovered In Ethiopia Dates Back Around 2,30,000 Years

According to researchers, ancient human bones discovered in Ethiopia could be as old as 2,30,000 years. The remains are one of the oldest examples of Homo sapiens fossils, having been found in the late 1960s. As a result of the new results, the minimum age of Homo sapiens in eastern Africa has been pushed back by 30,000 years. Archaeologists reported the discovery of the world's oldest Homo sapiens remains in 2017. In southwestern Ethiopia, the Omo I remains were discovered in the Omo Kibish Formation.

Source: Ethiopian News January 23, 2022 08:38 UTC

