New AI Technology Marks a Watershed Moment for Legal Profession - News Summed Up

New AI Technology Marks a Watershed Moment for Legal Profession

Legal Research: ChatGPT has made researching case law, statutes, and regulations faster and more efficient. Contract Review and Drafting: ChatGPT has proven to be a valuable tool in assisting with contract review and drafting. AI Improves the Delivery of Legal ServicesWhile acknowledging ChatGPT’s limitations, it can be utilized in legal practice to enhance an attorney’s work without replacing human expertise. Artificial Intelligence undoubtedly has started to impact the legal profession, and can improve the delivery of legal services to benefit clients. Thus, Lawyers should integrate tools like ChatGPT into their practice to enhance performance and stay abreast of current trends in legal technology.

Source: Forbes March 28, 2023 04:49 UTC

