Neutron beams, x-rays reveal more about T. rex relative - News Summed Up

Neutron beams, x-rays reveal more about T. rex relative

T. rex and other tyrannosaurs were huge, dominant predators, but they evolved from much smaller ancestors. The fossilized remnants of the Bisti Beast, or Bistahieversor sealeyi, were found in the Bisti/De-Na-Zin Wilderness Area near Farmington, New Mexico. Officials said the dinosaur's skull is the largest object to date for which full, high-resolution neutron and X-ray CT scans have been done at Los Alamos. The thickness of the skull, which spans 40 inches (102 centimeters), required stronger X-rays than those typically available to penetrate the fossil. Schroeder's work centers understanding the behavior of dinosaurs, so seeing the un-erupted teeth in the Bisti Beast's upper jaw was exciting.

Source: ABC News August 15, 2017 19:33 UTC

