Netizens amazed by twins who schooled and joined army together also wed on the same day - News Summed Up

Netizens amazed by twins who schooled and joined army together also wed on the same day

The tale of the twins' synchronization began with a striking resemblance that extended to academic achievements. ADVERTISEMENTThis uncanny alignment continued as they both secured places at Kimilili Boys High School, maintaining their parallel excellence in academics. Benjamin Mukhwana and Jacob Mulongo's wedding Pulse Live KenyaTheir journey took an unexpected turn as both brothers decided to serve their nation by joining the military. In a joyous celebration of love and unity, Benjamin and Jacob took another synchronized step by getting married on the same day. Benjamin Mukhwana and Jacob Mulongo's wedding Pulse Live Kenya

Source: Daily Nation December 19, 2023 10:51 UTC

