New Delhi: US streaming platform Netflix will premiere Taapsee Pannu’s latest film Haseen Dilruba on 2 July. The mystery thriller has been directed by Vinil Mathew and produced by Aanand L. Rai and Himanshu Sharma under the banner of Colour Yellow Productions. Netflix has also grabbed Kartik Aaryan’s Dhamaka, while Farhan Akhtar’s Toofan will be available on Amazon Prime Video. Upcoming films on the service include Sonakshi Sinha-starrer Bulbul Tarang, Karan Johar’s production Meenakshi Sundareshwar, a Tamil anthology titled Navarasa, Abbas Mustan directed Penthouse, among others. Subscribe to Mint Newsletters * Enter a valid email * Thank you for subscribing to our newsletter.
Source: Mint June 07, 2021 05:14 UTC