National pledges $120 million extra for new Christchurch stadium - News Summed Up

National pledges $120 million extra for new Christchurch stadium

National pledges $120 million extra for new Christchurch stadiumALDEN WILLIAMS/ Prime Minister Bill English announces the Government will provide an extra $120 million for Christchurch's new stadium. A National government would contribute an extra $120 million to build the new Christchurch stadium, Prime Minister Bill English has announced. "We are very proud to be supporting the multi-use arena", he said, adding that the type of stadium that was built was up to the Christchurch City Council. READ MORE:* Parties expected to make pledges on stadium shortfall* New Christchurch arena could have solid roof and retractable playing field* Who will pay for shortfall in Christchurch's proposed new stadium? Mayor Lianne Dalziel has said central government was obliged under the cost sharing agreement with the Christchurch City Council to help fund the project.

Source: Stuff August 24, 2017 01:16 UTC

