National extends lead in latest Talbot-Mills poll, Chris Hipkins falls - News Summed Up

National extends lead in latest Talbot-Mills poll, Chris Hipkins falls

Video / Mark MitchellNational is extending its lead over Labour, with support for the party lifting two points to 38 per cent, a new poll shows. NZ First was on 6.2 per cent, Te Pāti Māori polled 4.9 per cent, and Top polled 1.4 per cent. National leader Christopher Luxon was ahead as preferred prime minister at 27 per cent, no change from the previous month. A commentary released with the poll noted the national mood seems to be shifting in favour of the new Government. It is the first time the poll has recorded a net positive “right track” performance since June 2022.

Source: New Zealand Herald February 16, 2024 14:53 UTC

