National Party review points to 'disunity, leaks and poor behaviour' - News Summed Up

National Party review points to 'disunity, leaks and poor behaviour'

Judith Collins leads the National caucus to a media conference following their disastrous election showing. Photo: RNZNational Party President Peter Goodfellow has emailed party members saying a review into the party's disastrous election campaign found "the disunity, leaks and poor behaviour" were the key factors in that result. It is expected that at least a summary of the review will be released publicly this week, but the full review is likely to be kept in-house. Another source said that nobody came out of it looking good, but it should be shown to party MPs or the lessons in it would not be learned. He said it found many contributing factors to the poor election result: "Chief among them the disunity, leaks and poor behaviour that severely impacted public perception of National as an alternative to the Labour Government.

Source: Otago Daily Times March 09, 2021 00:22 UTC

