NYT Lauds ‘Benefits’ of China’s Strict Censorship, Mass Surveillance - News Summed Up

NYT Lauds ‘Benefits’ of China’s Strict Censorship, Mass Surveillance

Raising children in Communist China with strict censorship laws can provide “benefits” such as “kid-friendly internet,” while mass surveillance offers “its own kind of freedom,” according to a recent New York Times piece that boasts of children being “co-parented” by the authoritarian Chinese government. “I laughed out loud: My own kids were, in a way, co-parented by the Chinese government,” she added. Each morning all of the students performed calisthenics in straight rows and raised China’s red flag while singing the national anthem. “Maybe to some people, China’s surveillance state is ‘its own kind of freedom.’ I’m sure plenty of people would like to express disagreement with that, but they’ve been censored or imprisoned,” wrote FIRE Director of Targeted Advocacy Sarah McLaughlin. Maybe to some people, China's surveillance state is "its own kind of freedom."

Source: New York Times January 24, 2023 00:05 UTC

