NY Times Faces Backlash for False Report About Holy See Burning Catholic Stargazers - - News Summed Up

NY Times Faces Backlash for False Report About Holy See Burning Catholic Stargazers -

The New York Times’ Science Times generated backlash for falsely reporting that the Holy See burned Roman Catholic stargazers. One was a canon of a Catholic church, one was a priest, both were supported by the Church. One was a canon of a Catholic church, one was a priest, both were supported by the Church. Twitter user Tim O’Neill wrote, “‘ …burned Roman Catholic stargazers for questioning the centrality of the Earth in the cosmos…’ That simply didn’t happen. Cite the stargazers ‘burned’ by the Church or retract this calumny.”This user wrote, “Outrageously false tweet.

Source: New York Times March 28, 2023 19:37 UTC

