NCC should rethink the pre-election polling ban - News Summed Up

NCC should rethink the pre-election polling ban

NCC should rethink the pre-election polling banBy Liu Ying 劉瑩In Taiwan, there is a law that bans poll results being made public within 10 days of a presidential election. So before the window closed, each party released their internal polling results and the media released more than a dozen polls. The gap between Lai and Hou or between Hou and Ko was about 7 percentage points, almost as if it were a mathematical sequence. In the US, polls can be released freely up to the last day before an election, while “exit polls” are available on election day. Newly established polling organizations should have to state clearly that “this organization has not conducted any previous [presidential] election polling, and this is the first time,” so the public could ground their judgement.

Source: Taipei Times January 19, 2024 21:38 UTC

