NBTC team to oversee OTT streaming operators amid digital push - News Summed Up

NBTC team to oversee OTT streaming operators amid digital push

He said the NBTC has implemented a strategy to supervise three groups of OTT streaming operators:— Operators of websites or applications for use in daily life, such as Lazada, Uber, Airbnb, Dropbox and Google Maps. — Operators of interpersonal communication platforms, covering social media (Facebook and Instagram) and instant messaging (Line, Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp). "The emergence of OTT streaming operators has resulted in cost burden for internet network operators," he said, adding that the business caused difficulties in tax collection as well. — Operators of television and video streaming platforms on the internet, such as Netflix, Hulu, YouTube and Line TV.

Source: The Nation Bangkok December 12, 2022 08:38 UTC

