My Partner Secretly Bought A House, Then Said He Didn't Love Me. My Next Step Was A Surprise - News Summed Up

My Partner Secretly Bought A House, Then Said He Didn't Love Me. My Next Step Was A Surprise

Advertisement“There’s no easy way to say this, but I don’t love you the way you love me.”It came as a complete surprise, especially when he told me he’d secretly bought our house on his own, behind my back. I’d gone from having a great job, a loving partner and a solid plan for the future to no job, no partner, no house and no idea what to do next. Yet every time I got into a serious relationship, my partner didn’t like to travel or couldn’t get time off work to do so. But a surprising thing happened: The deep loneliness I’d been secretly scared would follow me from place to place never actually showed up. That Angie knew where she was going and had the whole path mapped out, including a loving partner and the cute house in the suburbs.

Source: Huffington Post November 20, 2023 14:37 UTC

