Mum felt 'everything' as epidural 'wore off' during emergency caesarean section - News Summed Up

Mum felt 'everything' as epidural 'wore off' during emergency caesarean section

They gave her an epidural - an anaesthetic around the spinal cord - and while it worked at first, Jodie said she began to feel pain. (Image: baby Arthur was healthy but the whole experience - which happened on Friday 13th - has put Jodie off having any more kids. "I could feel them actually pulling my stomach apart as they were ripping the muscles and I was in extreme pain. As the contractions started, doctors grew concerned when Jodie's unborn child's blood pressure dropped dangerously and prepped the young mum for an emergency c-section. "I love Arthur and am enjoying being a mum, but there's no way I'm going through that all ever again."

Source: Daily Mirror October 20, 2019 15:56 UTC

