RIL chief Mukesh Ambani says Reliance has become the largest private sector investor in Assam by putting in Rs5,000 crore over the last few years. Photo: Abhijit Bhatlekar/MintGuwahati: Reliance Industries chairman Mukesh Ambani on Saturday announced an investment of Rs2,500 crore in Assam in various sectors, including retail, petroleum, telecom, tourism and sports, creating jobs for at least 80,000 people over the next three years. Reliance will invest an additional Rs2,500 crore to augment its presence in this market,” he said at the inaugural function of the Global Investors Summit 2018 in Guwahati. Our approach has always been to create sustainable livelihood opportunities and have generated 20,000 jobs in Assam,” Ambani said. Complimenting Assam chief minister Sarbananda Sonowal for organising the ‘Advantage Assam - Global Investors Summit 2018’, Ambani said: “Assam’s development potential is limitless.
Source: Mint February 03, 2018 08:26 UTC