Most school shootings in U.S. aren’t mass killings, study finds, and they’re often driven by community violence - News Summed Up

Most school shootings in U.S. aren’t mass killings, study finds, and they’re often driven by community violence

Many Americans think of school shootings as mass casualty events involving an adolescent with an assault-style weapon. But a new study says that most recent school shootings orchestrated by teenagers do not fit that image — and they are often related to community violence. But unlike many of the school shootings that make headlines, Sathya said, nearly 60% of the shooters in the study were Black. Investing in community violence intervention programs can help reduce this kind of violence in schools, according to Sathya. They also said there is a need for a standardized national reporting system, as many Americans depend on media sources to learn about school shootings.

Source: CNN November 27, 2023 21:10 UTC

