Morocco’s tangible efforts to put an end to the artificial conflict over the Sahara were hailed by participants in a round table held on Friday in London by the British think tank The Royal United Service Institute (RUSI). The speakers exchanged views on the artificial conflict over the Sahara, including legal, geopolitical, economic and human development points of view, while highlighting the British government’s position and the timeliness of its evolution in a changing national and international context. The participants also expressed deep concern about the alarming humanitarian situation in the Tindouf camps in Algeria and warned against exploiting the status quo to spread extremism and terrorism in the region. Discussions on the development of the Southern Provinces and the implementation of advanced regionalization enabled participants to learn about concrete progress on the ground. Around twenty high-level participants took part in the round table, including officials from the British Foreign Office and Ministry of Defense, former British ministers and diplomats, as well as experts and researchers in geopolitics and defense.
Source: The North Africa Journal June 16, 2024 17:59 UTC