Moroccans lost nearly €11 million in Schengen visa refusals in 2023 – The North Africa Post - News Summed Up

Moroccans lost nearly €11 million in Schengen visa refusals in 2023 – The North Africa Post

Moroccans have lost nearly €11 million in fees for rejected Schengen visas last year. In 2023, the number of Moroccan nationals who had their Schengen visas applications rejected amounted to 136,367, costing €10.9 million or about 117 million MAD. This places Morocco second among African countries in numbers of visa rejections. The visa rejection rate for Moroccan nationals constituted 8.3% of the total for African countries. African nationals collectively spent €56.3 million on visa application fees, representing 43% of the global total in 2023, a significant financial burden on applicants from the continent.

Source: The North Africa Journal June 15, 2024 12:12 UTC

