More than 10,000 pregnancy terminations in Ireland last year - News Summed Up

More than 10,000 pregnancy terminations in Ireland last year

Some 10,033 pregnancy terminations were carried out last year in Ireland with the majority taking place in early pregnancy. Dublin had the most terminations with 3,645 in 2023,followed by Cork with 873;Galway had 446 and Kildare 429;Limerick had 423 terminations;Waterford had 258;Kerry had 254;Tipperary had 240 pregnancy terminations carried out. The figures are contained in the fifth annual report on the Health (Regulation of Termination in Pregnancy) Act 2018. It also permits terminations where there is a condition present which is likely to lead to the death of the foetus either before or within 28 days of birth. And the act permits abortion without restriction in early pregnancy, up to the 12th week.

Source: Irish Examiner June 29, 2024 16:51 UTC

