University of Auckland scientists found that massaging dextrose gel into the inside of a baby's cheek was an effective way to treat hypoglycaemia, a common ailment. Photo / University of AucklandUniversity of Auckland scientists found that massaging dextrose gel into the inside of a baby's cheek was an effective way to treat hypoglycaemia, a common ailment. Neonatal hypoglycaemia - or low blood sugar - is a common problem that affects up to 15 per cent of otherwise healthy babies and is a preventable cause of brain damage. As a result of the earlier Liggins breakthrough, dextrose gel as a treatment for babies with hypoglycaemia was recommended in many countries, including Aotearoa, the UK, Australia, Sweden, Canada and the US. Dextrose gel as a preventative is now on the way.
Source: New Zealand Herald May 16, 2021 17:01 UTC