More customers come forward about scam confirmation emailsExcerpt from The GuardianThe website is sending out warnings to cancel cards after noticing suspicious activityThree weeks after Observer Cash revealed that the email system had been hacked and that a number of customers had had their credit card details compromised, it has emerged that the website has been sending emails to some customers warning them to cancel their cards. At the same time, others have come forward to say “me too”. Those affected had either checked in, or were due to check in, to a hotel they had reserved using’s website or app. They had received an email – from the official address – warning their stay may have to be cancelled unless they handed over bank card details via an embedded link. This week it emerged has been sending out emails warning its customers their card details may have been compromised, although it states this was just where it had uncovered “potentially suspicious activity” on a specific accommodation provider’s account.
Source: The Guardian November 22, 2023 22:53 UTC