Bhubaneswar: The BJP on Sunday described the Narendra Modi government’s welfare policies as “revolutionary” and asked the people to take a “pledge” to return him to power in 2019 so that its development policies continue. “The budget has made provisions of Rs 2.74 lakh crore for the defence sector, Rs. 3.96 lakh crore for development of infrastructure, Rs 64,000 crore for highway development, Rs 1.86 lakh crore for women welfare fund and Rs 1 lakh crore for railway safety. Under Modi, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) set the world record by successfully launching 104 satellites in space in one go, the resolution said. “After the formation of the BJP government and Prime Minister Narendra Modi assuming the charge, India’s goodwill has increased at global level.
Source: Mint April 16, 2017 12:45 UTC