Prime Minister Narendra Modi being greeted by his British counterpart Theresa May at the official welcome ceremony for the Commonwealth meet in London. According to Ms. Swaraj, the two leaders were discussing the problem of Indian fugitives like Vijay Mallya and Lalit Modi, based in the United Kingdom. In December 2017, Mr. Mallya’s lawyer defending him in the extradition case on charges of fraud worth $1.4 billion, had raised the issue of Indian jails being “worse than in Russia”. In particular, Ms. Swaraj reacted sharply when asked why she used social messaging site Twitter to order Indian ambassadors to issue passports and visas to Indians, Pakistanis and other nationalities. Insensitive people can make fun of my efforts, but that day when someone in their home is stuck, they will understand the importance of Twitter,” Ms Swaraj shot back.
Source: The Hindu May 28, 2018 18:21 UTC