Mixed start for US at team golf event, South Korea perfect - News Summed Up

Mixed start for US at team golf event, South Korea perfect

INCHEON, Korea, Republic Of — The United States had a mixed start on the opening day of the UL International Crown team golf tournament on Thursday, splitting the fourballs against Sweden, while favourite South Korea collected a maximum four points with two wins over Taiwan. Cristie Kerr and Lexi Thompson gave the U.S. a winning start in the eight-nation, 32-player tournament against Pernilla Lindberg and Madelene Sagstrom to win 2-up. “There are some tough holes out there and we just kept trying. Only host South Korea collected four points, although the top-seeded team had a tough time against eighth-seeded Taiwan. Cheered on by the home crowd at the Jack Nicklaus Golf Club Korea, 40 kilometres (25 miles) west of Seoul, world No.1 Sung Hyun Park and I.K.

Source: National Post October 04, 2018 08:34 UTC

