Today should be the last day, they can still reach,” AITA general secretary Anil Dhupar told The Indian Express on Monday. Only three players, Nagal (men’s singles) and the women’s doubles pair of Sania Mirza and Ankita Raina will don India colours at the tennis events in Tokyo. It didn’t make sense.”Bopanna vented his anger on social media, backed by Mirza, to which AITA issued a statement. “… when Sumit Nagal got a chance in singles, we saw a possibility, since singles players were also being considered, of Sumit being able to partner with Rohan. We asked ITF whether the entry of Sumit Nagal will suffice to pair with Rohan Bopanna for an entry into Men’s doubles,” a part of the statement read.
Source: Indian Express July 20, 2021 04:30 UTC