Veteran Journalist Macharia Gaitho has this morning been freed after a violent arrest by armed policemen. They then turned back and returned him to Karen Police Station and said it was a case of mistaken identity. He has recorded a statement at the Karen Police Station on his abduction.”Later, the editor was released with DCI boss Mohamed Amin terming it a "mistaken identity" case. "The National Police Service would like to clarify to the public that this morning, we arrested journalist Macharia Gaitho in a case of mistaken identity, meant for the arrest of Francis Gaitho who is our subject of investigation," he said. In a televised address later, Mr Gaitho disputed the police account of a mistaken identity with Francis Gaitho, saying their ages, areas of residence and the cars they drive do not match.
Source: Daily Nation July 17, 2024 09:41 UTC