The Spokesman for the Tripoli based Libyan Ministry of Finance, Faisal Al-Hamali, confirmed Wednesday in an exclusive interview with Libya Herald that the Minister of Finance, Khaled Al-Mabrouk, and the representative of the African Development Bank (AfDB) signed three agreements on Tuesday. The three agreements include:The African Development Bank’s provision of technical assistance to the Ministry of Finance in the areas of financial reform and the shift towards digital systems. Emergency support for the Libyan regions and cities affected by Storm Daniel that hit regions of eastern Libya. Al-Hamali stressed the cooperation between the Ministry of Finance and the AfDB, especially in supporting small and medium enterprises, capacity building, water projects, transportation, and the digital transformation project in the financial sector. He noted the interest of the Minister of Finance, Khaled Al-Mabrouk, in opening new horizons of cooperation with the AfDB, in which Libya is considered one of the main contributors.
Source: Libya Today November 23, 2023 12:59 UTC