Under the supervision of the Minister of Economy and Trade, Mohamed Al-Hwej, the electronic publication system for trademarks was launched yesterday in the presence of the Undersecretary for Commercial Affairs, Suhail Abu Shiha, the Director of the Ministry’s Trademark Office, Salah Al-Hawali, the technical team at the Economic Documentation and Information Centre (the creator of the system), and several owners of intellectual property companies. The Ministry said 6,236 applications for registering a local and foreign trademark filed with the Trademark Office were announced during the three years 2013 – 2014 – 2015. A timetable was also set to complete the process of electronic notification of trademark registration applications until the 2023 by June 2024, provided that the period for receiving requests for the objection form to register the mark is 30 days from the date of its announcement on the designated electronic system. The attendees also viewed a presentation of the electronic system and the data contained in registration applications, and discussed the procedures required at the local and international levels to achieve protection of registered trademarks. The Minister praised the efforts made by those concerned in launching the electronic trademark publication system and recommended developing the performance of the Trademark Office and the mechanism for announcing registration applications through the designated electronic system, and focusing on raising awareness of the importance of protecting the trademark and achieving ownership.
Source: Libya Today February 03, 2024 13:49 UTC