The minister spoke on Sunday when he featured on the current affairs programme of Channels Television, Sunday Politics. Workers under the aegis of the Nigeria Labour Congress and Trade Union Congress have called on the state governors to fully implement the N30,000 minimum wage approved by the Federal Government. The workers, who spoke on Saturday at separate events held across the country to mark the International Workers’ Day, said the new minimum wage was not only their rights, but also non-negotiable. The anchor, Seun Okinbaloye, who noted that while the move by the House of Representatives to move the issue of minimum wage from the Exclusive legislative list to the Concurrent list was still being debated, asked about the sanctions being proposed for states who have yet to implement the minimum wage. That is why I said go and read that law.”The minister added, “This minimum wage is different from a CBA – Collective Bargaining Agreement.
Source: Punch May 03, 2021 01:33 UTC