Mike Johnson's Christian Nationalism - News Summed Up

Mike Johnson's Christian Nationalism

Long before the evangelical conservative Johnson became speaker, he had forged close ties with Christian nationalists like David Barton, whose writings claiming the country’s founders intended to create a Christian nation have been widely debunked by religion scholars. “As he understands it, this country was founded as a Christian nation. So really, Christian supremacy and a particular type of conservative Christianity is at the heart of Johnson’s understanding of the Constitution and an understanding of our government,” Du Mez says. www.politico.com/…From SLPC (Southern Poverty Law Center) 11.2.23Hate Groups Rejoice Over Newly Elected Speaker Mike JohnsonIn his tenure as a congressman, Johnson has pushed xenophobic rhetoric and policies. You’re always drawn to that ultimate conclusion: They want to turn these people into voters,” Johnson said.

Source: The Guardian December 24, 2023 00:05 UTC

