Mike Huckabee Dismisses Taylor Swift's Political Endorsement Because '13-Year-Old Girls' Can't Vote - News Summed Up

Mike Huckabee Dismisses Taylor Swift's Political Endorsement Because '13-Year-Old Girls' Can't Vote

“So @taylorswift13 has every right to be political but it won’t impact election unless we allow 13 yr old girls to vote,” Huckabee tweeted Monday morning, adding his support for Republican Rep. Marsha Blackburn. So @taylorswift13 has every right to be political but it won’t impact election unless we allow 13 yr old girls to vote. Still with #MarshaBlackburnIn an Instagram post on Sunday, Swift announced her endorsement for Blackburn’s Democratic challenger, Phil Bredesen. But, even if old Taylor couldn’t come to the phone to defend herself to Huckabee, her army of Swifties had her back. First, they fact-checked his tweet, debunking his bizarre assumption that fans who listen to Taylor Swift don’t age.

Source: Huffington Post October 08, 2018 21:33 UTC

